i had to buy this book on amazon because I could not find in in barnes and noble. I decided to read it based on enthusiastic recommendation by youtuber the book leo. she said that it was about two codependent teenage boys doing things that are crazy and oh boy if you've ever heard anything I have to say about persona 5 royal you will know that that is my specialty. boys who think they're impossible to understand except for one person and getting so so toxic because they only depend on each other.

SPOILERS: prologue


The book begins from the perspective of some guy. This some guy gets in a car and this car contains the two boys whose names you recognize from the blurb on the back and they drug him, somehow, and we don't know what's going on there. then it flashes back, and the book begins.

I am not too far into the book; I think I just started "part two?" Something like that. I cannot wait.