My Web Site

Hello! Welcome back to my site. I am updating it currently because well I am so so sleepy but it is 3pm and I must not go to sleep.

I love web design. I love web design in that I love to make html pages. It is something that I am pretty good at but not good enough for it not to be challenging enough to be engaging.

Currently this website lives on my dropbox. It is local pretty much exclusively. Occasionally I update the neocities account I have but not very often. Just whenever I think about it.

also just for developing my web design skills miscelaniously. I have just a few things I want to do.

  1. page linking to my fav sites
  2. my beloved little ocverse i think about when i'm trying to sleep
  3. area on the bottom of this page for the cute little buttons

31.7.2023 | Carolineverse

Updated my lovely carolineverse page. it's my little ocverse i like to think about while I fall asleep, which is the perfect time to figure out a fantasy story.

25.7.2023 | Grids & Giving Up

My library page is kind of messed up. It's true! I tried to figure it out but I couldn't so I gave up. I also added cute bookends though :)

Working on the website

Since I made this literally yesterday I am not going to make a whole little update for each thing I do, so here's a quick summary: I've made a thing for my Spanish practice journals, and the big thing I did was making a library page with a fancy grid and everything, made a page for all the books. Cute :)

my favorite sites

these ones i just like.