My Web Site

Hello! Welcome back to my site. It is 7/21/2024 and I am updating it finally.

I love web design. I love web design in that I love to make html pages. It is something that I am pretty good at but not good enough for it not to be challenging enough to be engaging.

usually this website lives on my dropbox account. once in a great while I copy and paste all the files onto neocities, but not very often if I am going to be hoenst.


I sure did give up... hello web site once again. just messing around here. purged lots of pages that I didn't like and gave up on. I'm going to try to make this thing sorta like my bedroom of the internet.

25.7.2023 | Grids & Giving Up

My library page is kind of messed up. It's true! I tried to figure it out but I couldn't so I gave up. I also added cute bookends though :)

Working on the website

Since I made this literally yesterday I am not going to make a whole little update for each thing I do, so here's a quick summary: I've made a thing for my Spanish practice journals, and the big thing I did was making a library page with a fancy grid and everything, made a page for all the books. Cute :)

my favorite sites